Wednesday, November 2, 2011

3 meals, 1 prep day continued

I know that you have all been very patiently waiting for me to continue my posts about my newest discovery. Apologies in the delay! I started another blog devoted to my crafting and that took precedence. I'll post more on that new blog in the coming days. For now, let us continue on our adventure.

So, at this point, you should have all the ingredients that I posted about earlier here. If not, don't fret. The neat thing about these 3 recipes is that most of the individual components you will make on prep day can be frozen to be used another day. So, even if you forgot something on the grocery list (I do that all the time!!), you are not out of luck.

Prep List:
  • Start hamburger browning. Add what ever Italian-like spices you like at this point. Feel free to multitask while your meat is browning. When done, drain and let cool. Place in a freezer bag.
  • Cut up all veggies (onions & peppers) into about 1/4" x 2" strips. Really, you don't need to get the ruler out for this, just wing it. Put everything in a couple of freezer bags.
  • Slice black & green olives. These usually don't freeze well (that I know of!). So, I would suggest putting in a zip top bag and putting in your fridge for when you need it.
  • Now comes the icky part. I have an aversion to touching chicken for some reason. It just doesn't feel right - no other explanation! But, to save yourself time (and trauma) at a later date, you want to cut this up now. I recommend cutting it in a similar size as you did the peppers. But, if it annoys you to cut that thin, feel free to just cube it up. Divide into 2 freezer bags. In one of the bags, sprinkle on about 2 tablespoons of Cajun seasoning. In the other bag, sprinkle on your fajita seasoning. Mix around in the bags and zip shut.
Here is where I decide whether or not I'm going to make all 3 meals in the next 3 days. If I am, everything you have can go right into the fridge. If I suspect that I'll have a couple of days in between, I put everything in the freezer. That's your prep step. Easy Peasy! I'll post the individual recipes soon.

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