Friday, February 25, 2011

4 Things

I received the following questionnaire through a string of emails floating through my family. I love responding to these. I love even more reading what others write. Now, I know, I’m cheating a bit by posting this on my blog. But, I really have a reason for it. First, like I mentioned earlier, I struggle at times coming up with things to post about. Second, I saw it as a way to direct other of my family members to my blog! So, hi to anyone new!

1. Four places I go: work, grocery store, church, library

2. Four favorite smells: baking bread, fresh brewed coffee, Cena when he is clean, the air after a spring rain

3. Four people I hope will respond: Ok, probably not an easy question to answer. I know some of you have problems commenting on my blog.

4. Four TV shows I watch: Criminal Minds, Oprah’s Behind the Scenes show, American Pickers, American Idol

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